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Remuneration Policy

The Remuneration Policy of the Company is to design the compensation packages which are sufficient to attract, retain and motivate the person to put in his best performance and feel that the compensation paid to him is commensurate with his talent, experience and expertise.


Due care will be taken to ensure a remuneration package which is comparable to the  pay and employment conditions with peers  within the organization as well as the contemporary levels of compensation in the industry. 


Increments and career advancement will be directly linked to the performance of the particular individual.  Measurable performance indicators shall be designed and intimated to the employees to ensure objectivity and transparency in the performance evaluation.


Remuneration of Executive Directors and Key Managerial Personnel


The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall consider the following criteria, while fixing the remuneration of the Executive Directors (Managing and Whole-time Directors) and Key Managerial Personnel:


• Industry Bench Marks

• Performance of the Company compared to the performance of the industry

• Responsibilities shouldered

• Performance of the individual, and his track record

• Initiatives taken and leadership qualities exhibited.


For the Managing Director and Executive Directors’ level, there will be a fixed component of salary, perquisites and allowances, and variable component of commission based on the net profit of the company, within the ceilings prescribed by the Statute.


Remuneration of Non-executive Directors


“Non executive Directors are entitled to   Sitting Fee  for attending Board or any Committee Meeting there of  as  fixed by the Board from time to time as per the provisions under the Companies Act,2013 


In addition, a Commission not exceeding 1% of the net profits for the year be also paid to the non executive directors collectively, as approved by the Shareholders.   The actual percentage is to be fixed by the Board within the above ceiling from year to year.


The amount of Commission is distributed among the non-executive directors in proportion to the number of meetings attended by them.


NCL Remuneration Policy

© 2017, NCL Industries Limited

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