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Nomination & Remuneration Committee

This committee considers and recommends the remuneration payable to Executive Directors.


Remuneration Policy


The remuneration policy of the company is to make the compensation payable to the Executive Directors comparable to industry standards and commensurate with the performance of the company, while adhering to the ceilings prescribed under the statute.


The constitution of the committee is given below - 


  1. Mr. Kamlesh Gandhi - Chairman (Independent Director)

  2. Lt. General T.A. D'Cunha - Member (Independent Director)

  3. Mr. Ashven Datla - Member (Non-Executive Director)


To bring it in line with the amended provisions relating to corporate Governance and Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Remuneration Committee has been re-christened as Nomination and Remuneration Committee in pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. 

NCL Nomination & Remuneration Committee

© 2017, NCL Industries Limited

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