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Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

In accordance with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company is required to constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)  Committee of Directors comprising at least three directors including an independent director. The Board, at its meeting held in August, 2014, constituted the CSR committee.


The CSR Committee will monitor the implementation of the CSR policy and apprise the board accordingly. 


Even before the provisions relating to CSR were introduced in the Companies Act, 2013, NCL has been acutely aware of its social responsibility and voluntarily engaged itself in CSR activities from its very early days. Particularly in the fields of education and health care in the community surrounding its plant site, the company has been active.


The committee comprises of -


  1. Dr. R. Kalidas - Chairman (Independent Director) 

  2. Mr. Vinodrai V. Goradia - Member (Director)

  3. Mr. K. Gautam - Member (Executive Director)

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