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Bison Panel is a cement bonded particle board made out of 62% cement & 28% wood. The wood used is of fast-growing species like Eucalyptus & Poplar. Due to adoption of a special manufacturing process, the panel acquires the strength & durability of cement, & the easy workability of wood - a combination of qualities absent in other boards. Cement is strong & durable, & is not affected by fire, weather, termites, etc. Wood is light & strong, & is easily machinable. As the wood particles in the board are mineralized with chemicals during the manufacturing process, the particles become termite & vermin resistant.


This multipurpose building board - a proven product in countries around the world was introduced in India by NCL with technology imported from Bison Werke of Germany. Bison contains no hazardous material like Asbestos or Formaldehyde. Its process dust is harmless.

Bison Panel

Bison Panel has innumerable applications - it can be used in all places where an ordinary particle board can be used. For example, Bison can be used for wall partitions, false ceilings, doors, wall claddings, flooring, kitchen platforms, table tops, stair cases, louvers, cabinets, cabins, & many more.


The boards are fire, water, weather, termite, & vermin resistant, & achieve both dimensional & chemical stability over a long construction period. Bison Panel confirms to I.S.O. 8335 / 1987 (International Standards Organization) & I.S. 14276 / 1995. Further, Bison can be used for the construction of fire resistant building elements to satisfy the criteria of I.S.O. 834-1975 & I.S. 3809 - 1979 for 1/2 hour to 4 hours fire rating. Bison is ecofriendly with IGBC certificate & GRIHA / SVAGRIHA compliance.


Bison is manufactured at company-owned factories in India. One factory is at Paunta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh. The second factory is at Mattapalli in Telanagana. These two factories cater to the demand for boards across India.  

Resort Huts Made of Bison

Bison Factory at Himachal, India

Bison Factory at Telangana, India

© 2017, NCL Industries Limited

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